Thursday, November 14, 2013

Ginny: Too. Much. Just. No
This is probably my favorite blog I've ever read. I could not agree more with this, considering I too had to sit though a long month of David Camm. Ginny says in the blog, "It causes me emotional pain to see how much this trial was reported on." I like this for two reasons: it's hilarious, and it's 100% true. Two things that in my opinion mix together very very well. The overuse of the Camm trial as a lead story for ther local news stations is outrageous and ridiculous, like Ginny says. My favorite part of the blog is the use of the two memes, it really brings a funny mood to it, plus they're completely necessary for the situation.
If you haven't yet gotten the point, here it is: Go read Ginny's blog! It's AWESOME! 

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